Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Fall

When God created man, he wired us so we get our glory, security, understanding of value, feeling of purpose, feeling of rightness with our Maker, security for eternity, from Him. This relationship is so strong, and God’s love is so pure, that Adam and Eve felt no insecurity at all.
But when that relationship was broken, all of their glory, the glory that came from God, was gone.
It wouldn’t be unlike being in love and having somebody love you and then all of a sudden that person is gone, like a kid lost in the store. All of the insecurity rises the instant you realize you are alone. No insecurity was felt when the person who loved you was around, but in His absence, it instantly comes to the surface.
If man was wired so that something outside himself told him who he was, and if God’s presence was giving him a feeling of fulfillment, then when that relationship was broken, man would be pining for other people to tell him that he was good, right, okay with the world, and eternally secure.
We all compare ourselves to others, and none of our emotions –like jealousy and envy and lust- could exist unless man was wired so that somebody else told him who he was, and that somebody else was gone.
Think about it. Moses, in Genesis 2-3 has presented a personality theory more comprehensive then the writings of Freud, Maslow, Fankle, and Skinner combined. Moses explains exactly why all of us feel, act, desire, and dream the things we feel, act, desire, and dream.
How awful it must have been for Adam and Eve to be deceived by Satan, to have been tricked into breaking their relationship with God.
We have it easier. We were born this way.
How painful it was for Adam and Eve to have the feeling of being separated from the Father. Having an infinite amount of love pouring through their lives and then it’s suddenly gone. How terrible it must have felt, at the fear of no longer feeling God, at the ache of emptiness and sudden and horrifying awareness of self.
Scripture indicates, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree, there was a war in heaven and Satan hates God. We want to blame all the world’s problems on individual responsibility, to say that everyone is responsible for everything they do. But Adam and Eve were deceived. Something in them wanted something they couldn’t have, but they were tricked into thinking those thoughts. It’s a both/and situation. We are wired so that when deception is fed to us, we make bad decisions.
War is complicated. It isn’t black and white. In a way, the war in heaven, the war between God and those against Him, is the war to explain all other wars. If you want to believe one side is good and another is bad, if you want to look through history and find a perfectly innocent kingdom attacked by an enemy, you have to go back to the Garden of Eden. A perfect innocent kingdom hasn’t been attacked since.
The Bible paints a picture of a certain evil tricking innocent humans, into betraying the God who loved them, the king who was their friend.
Adam and Eve can be considered somewhat innocent, and yet the crime committed almost seems unforgivable, they fell for a trick. Eating the fruit was a heart-level betrayal between committed friends: God and man.
God was betrayed. Imagine what he felt, knowing all he’d made was ruined, and understanding at once the sacrifice that would be required to win the hearts of his children from the grasp of their seducer. God had to break the relationship when man sinned against him, that because his nature is purely good, purely right and lovely, He could not directly interact with beings who were, in there hearts, set against him. This should not be confused with a lack of love, a lack of compassion; it must be understood only as two opposite natures unable to interact without one tainting the other. Its beautiful. Because you and I need for God to be perfectly good, we need for him to be the voice that did, and one day will in the future, speak pure glory into our lives, but for now, because of this act of war, relationships have been strained. And we can feel it in our souls. We will never feel complete in till that relationship is whole again. Beyond the point of forgiveness. Not in till we are reunited with out Maker

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